Wesleyan Application for Admission for US Military Veterans
Welcome, and thank you for your service. We are eager to work with you as your explore options to further your education and learn how Wesleyan may serve you well for your undergraduate career.
Wesleyan invites applications from US Military Veterans via three methods: the Common Application, the Apply Coalition, Powered by Scoir, and Wesleyan's own internal Application for Admission for US Military Veterans. There is no institutional preference as to which application you choose; however, our Veterans App was designed and developed to better capture and illustrate your lived experience in the Armed Forces. You present credentials and experiences that vary considerably from a traditionally-aged high school graduate. The Veterans App allows you the opportunity to share these with the Wesleyan Office of Admission efficiently.
Wesleyan University’s Application for Admission for US Military Veterans is available online from August 1 until May 1 each year. Admission decisions will be made on a rolling basis as schedules allow, with notification to candidates made within two weeks of submission and completion including receipt of all requisite materials. All students new to Wesleyan must begin in the Fall semester and must plan to be on campus for new student orientation at the end of August in advance of the first day of classes, generally the first Monday in September.
Please find the embedded link to our Application for Admission for US Military Veterans below. Once submitted, applicants will receive an email with instructions to access our online portal, WesCheck, to monitor receipt of application materials and receive admission decision notifications.
In addition to your application method of choice, we require at least two letters of recommendation which may come from your military service, faculty members of your course instruction, or employment supervisors/managers. Applicants must also submit their final high school transcript as well as any postsecondary transcripts for either transfer credit articulation or as evidence of academic preparedness as a new student to Wesleyan with firstyear standing. You may also submit the JST and any commendations, recognition, or awards received through your service.
Wesleyan University Application for Admission for US Military Veterans